748 Robinson Rd Aspley QLD 4034
07 3263 9275

Our Mission

We strengthen our faith as we walk with Jesus, striving to create a compassionate world.

Our Priorities

To be Christ centred, at prayer, and listening



Connecting with communities

Youth, children and families

Welcome to Aspley Uniting Church. We extend a warm welcome to you – whether you are a newcomer to our area or are a resident seeking a faith community, we believe that God has brought us together to join in worship, learning and fellowship. We believe that ‘church’ is about community so whichever service you choose to attend you will be made truly welcome and will quickly become a valued member of our church community.

We live stream the 8:30am service. Click here to watch the service live.

8:30 am Service

Our 8:30 am service is a traditional family service. We have communion the first Sunday of the month with our Aspley UC Singers leading the singing. We have a friendly morning tea after the service each week.

4 pm Service

Our 4 pm service is a relaxed, contemporary, family friendly service with kids involved in all aspects of the service.  The worship service is followed by a shared meal from 5pm in the attached United Early Leaning Child Care Centre behind the church. This enables all to enjoy a light dinner together while kids can use the playground equipment.

8:30 am Service Only

If you can’t make it to our 8:30 am Sunday Services in person, listen into the services from home or whilst travelling by calling the listen@home telephone service.



Call the listen@home telephone number just before our 8:30 am service time on a Sunday.


Select an option

You will be given 2 options. Press 1 to connect straight into the service or Press 2 to listen to instructions on how the listen@home telephone service works.


Listen in option

You’ll be welcomed by an elder of the church. If you wish to speak to the elder, press the * (star) button and the option 1 to unmute your microphone.

Ministries & Activities

At Aspley, we minister to both our immediate and wider community.

Aspley Caring Through Service (Dorcas ACTS)

Our Church operates an active Community Service initiative called Aspley Caring Through Service – ACTS. It provides financial relief from poverty or misfortune, particularly to people who are not members of our Church and who live far away from us. The focus of Dorcas ACTS is to have a personal ministry to individuals in genuine need, particularly victims of floods, droughts and bushfires as well as broken families, homelessness, the unemployed, refugees and asylum seekers. Dorcas ACTS also offers assistance to various School Breakfast Programs.

Dorcas ACTS Vision Statement

Dorcas ACTS is a Community Fund of the Aspley Uniting Church which is financed by the gifts of caring people who strive to express the compassion of Jesus of Nazareth. We provide direct financial help to people in difficult personal financial circumstances in and outside Australia. All of the Dorcas ACTS team are volunteers who respect the confidentiality of all whom we help. Dorcas ACTS carries out its mission without incurring any overhead costs. Every day, we are easily accessible to those in need by sending an email to office@aspleyuc.org.au

Circles of Care

Within the life of the Church we have 12 groups that comprise the Circles of Care. Each Circle provides friendship and pastoral care to all members of the group. Each person is encouraged to be aware of, and pray for the needs of people in their Circle eg illness, hospitalisation, family celebrations and bereavement. Through the Circles of Care, all members of the congregation can be involved in pastoral care.

Uniting Early Learning Aspley

Uniting Early Learning Aspley is a place your family can call home. Here in our flourishing community, we nurture relationships that nourish body, mind and spirit.

Here, we encourage supportive exploration, both in our rooms and outside in our expansive outdoor play areas.

We delight in our children and rejoice in watching them thrive.

Aspley Classes for Seniors (ACFS)

Aspley Classes for Seniors conduct classes at the Aspley Uniting Church and The Church of the Resurrection in Ridley Road for people aged 50 years and over. The classes are sponsored by:

  • Aspley Uniting Church, 748 Robinson Road, Aspley
  • Aspley-Albany Creek Anglican Parish (The Church of the Resurrection), 30 Ridley Road, Bridgeman Downs
  • St Dypmna’s Catholic Church, 491 Robinson Road, Aspley

Most classes run for four seven-week terms each year. To learn more please visit the link below. Please click the below link to find out more. aspleyclassesforseniors.com

Yesterday’s Youth (2Ys)

The 2Y’s, Yesterday’s Youth, have a membership of approximately 50 men and women aged from 60+ who meet monthly to enjoy friendship, fellowship and devotions while being engaged in a variety of social activities. Some of these include Australia Day BBQ breakfast; Guest speakers from various organisations; visit to Botanical Gardens; Mother’s Day breakfast; Fish and Chips outings; Boondall Wetlands picnic; Train trips – just to name a few.

Friendship Club

The Friendship Club comprises of members of our congregation for meetings and outings. Usually we participate in the World Day of Prayer service wherever it is held in our locality and we always enjoy our fish and chips lunch at a close-by seaside location. We take advantage of talented persons within our congregation and invite them to speak to us on a recent trip, a past experience or hobbies; also some use their musical skills to entertain us. We have one annual outing to the Aspley Special School for morning tea. We also have a Christmas luncheon in December.

Ladies Fellowship

The Ladies Fellowship meets once a month. The meeting commences with Devotions followed by a short business meeting and then either a guest speaker or some interesting activity.  We organise a couple of social fund raising functions each year and also help with catering for other church activities.  When required we provide refreshments following funeral services which is something really appreciated by bereaving families. We are a happy, caring group and new members are always welcome.

Needlework and Craft

The Needlework and Craft Group is a small group that meets at 9.30 am on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month for Three C’s (coffee, craft and chat). We each work on our own projects in a relaxed atmosphere, offering admiration and encouragement, help and advice if required. We would love to have more ladies join us.

Children’s Ministry

Jesus said, “Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

Our 4pm service encourages children to be a part of all aspects of worship. Rather than children leaving the service to have Sunday School, they are active participants in the worship service assisting in Bible Readings, Prayers and Communion.

Our crèche room has nappy changing facilities and toys and this room has the facility to see and hear the service as well.

Rev Paddi Mullan

We welcome Rev Paddi Mullan into our congregation and also for the recent good news that his period of supply has been extended to 31 December 2024.

Families Pastor
Pastor Namila Davui

We welcome Families Pastor Namila Davui.

Our Fijian born and Australian raised Families Pastor has come to encourage our families in the faith.
Pastor Namila is excited to see what God has planned for AUC.

Get in touch


748 Robinson Rd Aspley QLD 4034


07 3263 9275


Tuesday to Friday

9:00am – 2:00pm

Market Day 2024

Saturday 26 October 2024
8 am – 12 Noon